Mindful Moments Promote Healthy Behaviors

Feeling emotions is important to our human experience, but many people struggle with processing intense emotions. Some even react physically to emotions such as anger, frustration, stress, heartache, depression, or jealousy. Often we might not know how to react to these intense emotions, which is why it is so important to learn how to process emotions in healthy ways.

The inUpowers provides a powerful tool for teaching how to identify and label feelings. This program offers engaging animated characters that are proactive and reactive, teaching children how to use mindful moments as a way to process intense emotions, and more importantly, how to choose healthy behaviors in response to these emotions.

Mindful moments
promote healthy behaviors

Feeling emotions is important to our human experience, but many people struggle with processing intense emotions. Some even react physically to emotions such as anger, frustration, stress, heartache, depression, or jealousy. Often we might not know how to react to these intense emotions, which is why it is so important to learn how to process emotions in healthy ways.

The inUpowers provides a powerful tool for teaching how to identify and label feelings. This program offers engaging animated characters that are proactive and reactive, teaching children how to use mindful moments as a way to process intense emotions, and more importantly, how to choose healthy behaviors in response to these emotions.

Meet the Characters Used to Help Identify Emotions

Because children often struggle to understand their emotions, let alone know how to appropriately act on each emotion, inUpowers’ cartoon characters help them identify the emotions they feel and envision healthy responses to those emotions.

During times of stress, taking 90 seconds to identify the specific emotion actually tamps down activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes fears and other stressors. MRI studies of the brain show that this “emotion labeling” calms down this brain region, which stimulates angry outbursts and helps regain control.*

Here are just a few of the inUpowers’ characters that will guide children through this learning experience.


Embodies wholeness. He would ask questions about being kind to ourselves and others. He is constantly reminding us that we are enough and points out all the things that make us unique.


Is great at making sure that we slow down and enjoy the relationships and things that bring us happiness. She would ask us if we’re using our voice to advocate for ourselves. She wants everyone to feel heard and validated.


Reminds us that progress is much more rewarding then the stress that can come from trying to do things perfectly. He would ask us if we’re worrying more about being perfect than enjoying the journey. He’s also great at making sure we make and keep healthy boundaries.


Is our team guy. He’s not afraid to ask for help and enjoys a synergistic environment. He would ask us if we are leaning on others for help and if we’re taking time to heal and recover. He also challenges us to get out of our comfort zone.

When you’re stressed, pausing for ninety seconds and labeling what you’re feeling, tamps down activity in the amygdala part of the brain. MRI studies of the brain show that this “emotion labeling” calms the brain region involved in angry outbursts and helps you regain control.*

The Power to Choose is in You!

Feelings aren’t good or bad; they are something that just happens. The inUpowers program emphasizes that all emotions are normal, while also effectively teaching children that they have the power to choose what to do with those emotions.

Our brains are wired to learn through experiences, and each experience establishes a neural pathway that reminds us of specific responses to a particular situation and encourages us to choose that same response each time.

The inUpowers program builds on this experiential method of learning by providing children the opportunity to thoughtfully process emotions and develop healthy responses to these situations, thereby rewiring neural pathways that helps them repeat these healthy behaviors in future situations.


The inUpowers program offers a helpful aid that will guide you through the process of:

Labeling emotions

Being aware of thoughts

Making Appropriate choices


Help Your Loved Ones Develop the Power to Choose Their Response to Life's Many Situations